T:Lass of Glenshee, The
D:Altan: Horse with a Heart
F2 | B,3 C D2 | E2 F3 F | F2 B,2 C2 | D2 E3
F | A3 F E2 | A2 F2 E2 | F2 G2 A2 | B4
B2 | d3 c B2 | B2 A2 F2 | ED B,2 C2 | D2 E2
F2 | A2 F2 F2 | B2 F2 F2 | (ED) B,2 A,2 | B,4 ||
W:One morning in springtime as day was a-dawning
W:Bright Phoebus had risen shone over the lea
W:I spied a fair maiden as homeward she wandered
W:From herding her flocks on the hills of Glenshee
W:I stood in amazement, said I, "Pretty fair maid
W:If you will come down to St. Johnston with me
W:There's ne'er been a lady set foot in my castle
W:There's ne'er been a lady dressed grander than thee."
W:"A coach and six horses to go at your bidding
W:And all men that speak shall say "ma'am" unto thee
W:Fine servants to serve you and go at your bidding
W:I'll make you my bride, my sweet lass of Glenshee."
W:"Oh what do I care for your castles and coaches?
W:And what do I care for your gay grandeury?
W:I'd rather be home at my cot, at my spinning
W:Or herding my flocks on the hills of Glenshee."
W:"Away with such nonsense and get up beside me
W:E'er summer comes on my sweet bride you will be
W:And then in my arms I will gently caress thee."
W:'Twas then she consented, I took her with me.
W:Seven years have rolled on since we were united
W:There's many's a change, but there's no change on me
W:And my love, she's as fair as that morn on the mountain
W:when I plucked me a wild rose on the hills of Glenshee.