X:191 T:Cuckoo, The R:song D:Anne Briggs Z:id:hn-song-191 M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:Dmix A | (GF) D3 F | DC A,3 G, | A,2 D2 (GF) | D4 A2 | c2 A2 D2 | (cB) (A2GF) | G2 A2 c2 | A4 D2 | cB A2 D2 | c2 (AG) F2 | G2 A2 c2 | A4 A2 | (GF) G2 F2 | D C3 (A,G,) | A,2 D2 (GF) | D4 || W:The cuckoo's a pretty bird, she sings as she flies. W:She brings us good tidings, tells us no lies. W:She sucks the little birds' eggs to keep her voice clear, W:And when she sings "cuckoo" the summer draws near. W: W:As I walked down by the side of a bush W:I heard two birds whistling, the blackbird and the thrush. W:I asked them the reason so merry they be, W:And the answer they gave me, we are single and we are free. W: W:A-walking, a-talking, a-walking was I, W:To meet my true lover, he'll come by and by, W:To meet him in the meadows is all my delight, W:A-walking and talking from morning till night. W: W:Meeting is pleasure but parting is a grief W:And an inconstant lover is worse than a thief. W:A thief can but rob me and take all I have, W:But an inconstant lover sends me to the grave. W: W:And the grave, it will rot me and bring me to dust, W:An inconstant lover no maiden can trust, W:They'll court you and kiss you and vow they'll be true W:And the very next moment they'll bid you adieu. W: W:The cuckoo's a pretty bird, she sings as she flies, W:She brings us glad tidings, tells us no lies, W:And when her time is come, her voice we don't hear, W:And where she goes we do not know until another year.